
These resources have been created for survivors of sexual violence, abuse or sexual exploitation but may also be useful for anyone who is supporting a survivor.

The information sheets can be printed and used for support or education purposes but if circulating, please ensure that Beira’s Place website is credited.

Online Abuse and Harassment

A Guardian ‘Opinion’ article on April 2023[1] highlighted the impact of receiving unsolicited sexual images by phone. The writer’s first paragraphs read: “I was travelling home on the London Underground when more than 100 unsolicited images of an erect ...

If you have recently been raped.

If you have just been raped you want to get some information about where you can get medical treatment, support, and how you can report to the police if you decide to do so. Your physical safety and ...

When you come to Beira’s Place

Welcome to Beira’s Place - Edinburgh Women’s Sexual Assault Support Centre. We’re glad that you have come to us for support. We will do all we can to offer you the support you need, and we welcome your feedback ...

Explaining the assessment process

We carry out this assessment with every woman who comes to the centre and there are several reasons why the process is important. You don’t have to answer the questions if you prefer not to, and we guarantee ...

Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse

In 2008, Health in Mind and the Scottish Government produced a booklet for professionals working with childhood sexual abuse survivors. It was written by Dr Sarah Nelson and Sue Hampson and was entitled ‘Yes You Can’. In ...

Making a referral to Beira’s Place

Beira’s Place is a support service run by women, for women, and is led by a women only board of directors. The building itself is also a women only space. Beira’s Place is open to women ...

How we work with trauma

Beira’s Place – Edinburgh Women’s Sexual Assault Support Centre – is a single sex, women only service for survivors of all forms of sexual violence, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation. Services are for women aged 16 and ...

Intimate Partner Sexual Violence

Domestic abuse is usually described as “physical, emotional, financial or sexual abuse” but the focus for service provision, training workers, news articles and even information for women who are living with, or have lived with an abuser, ...

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